
Here you can find my

Intern at Asian Media Access

Week_2 (4/2/21)
This is a short summary of what we will be doing for this week!

  1.  Install Visual Studio Code Here.
  2.  Const value in JavaScript is fixed and you can not assign another value to it after execution. (From last week)
  3.  Alert() method will prompt an specified box with the content you entered and an OK button.
    • Check out the code here! 3alert
    • If you want to have a JavaScript standalone, open a alert.js file and put in
      alert(“hello World!);
  4. Ways of entering Javascript into a HTML website.
    • in the <head> tag is not prefer but you can do
      <script defer src = “3alert.js”></script>
      The script is executed when the page has finished parsing.
      Downside of this is because it gives a bad user experiment by taking time running JavaScript and not seeing content in it
    • in the <body> tag
  5. JavaScript can change html content, html attributes values, CSS style, hide HTML elements, show html elements
  6. Other examples or use it as ASSIGNMENT 
  7. For more information, feel free to check out this website: https://www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp