JavaScript Implementation
1. how to install VSC
Light-weight, does not cause you a lot of space on you
there is a lot of libraies that you can use, properties and build in functions
you have the access to a lot of different kind of extentions you can use that is not created by vsc, which means
you could modify and make your life easier if you know how to use those different kind of extentions
2. const age = 30; age = 30.1, 3.(hello world");
4. the ways of entering javascript into a html website
. on the head or body, why suggest at the end of it and why is not suggesting to be on
head, defer and async
. CSS should leave it on top, becuase of you do not want to run the entire html code first then the looks of it shows later
. open a js file and reference it in the html file
hello world!sayHi.js
5. JavaScript can change html content, html attributes values, CSS style, hide html elements, show html elements
. comments //, /* */ prevent excuting while running the program
. change html content
. change css style
. hide html elements
. show html elements
. change html attributes value
6. Do a bunch of javascript and html
. display date and time
. Changing colors by pressing different buttons
. if there is time, can make a clock (count down or just a run-time clock)
7. Calculator
. Build a simple Calculator +,-,*,/